The Magic of Dreaming Big


Two things are extemely difficult to accomplish in life.

The first is to think an entirely original thought.

The second is to encounter an absolute limit beyond which it is impossible to go.

I can't say with assurance that I have ever been able to think an original thought. I am moderately successful at rediscovering ancient truth, but so far, original thoughts have eluded me.

Discovering absolute limits is an equally elusive goal. Many times I felt like I had taken things to the limit, but on further examination, it was clear I simply had enough. I was done and was unwilling to do whatever it takes to continue. Hitting the wall of absolute limits has never been a problem.

What I have learned about limits so far is summed up in these few sentences:

“The envelope of possibility is infintely large, and the likelihood of encountering absolute limits is infinitesimally small. There are no limits. There are only limiting beliefs.”

Although the envelope of possibility is infinitely large, it is equally true that on a personal level the envelope of possibility is only as big as you believe it to be.

Jesus said, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you." On another occasion he said, "Nothing is impossible," and "Everything is possible to him who believes."

Jesus was talking about the envelope of possibility, and he made it clear that our beliefs determine the size of that envelope.

Possibilty is a dynamic thing that changes with our beliefs.

We must increase the envelope of possibility by pushing our limits every day. 

What was impossible yesterday just might be possible today if we get our beliefs right.

Life is a No Limits Expedition in which you explore the envelope of possibility.

Your job is to expand the envelope by pushing the limits in every area of your life.

Remember, if you look for your limits, it won't be long before you discover them.

But if you push your limits, the envelope of possibility will relentlessly expand, and there is no limit to how good your life can become.

Every day you face a choice. You can accept your limits or push them back.

You should push your limits and keeping on pushing for as long as you live.

For the past six decades I have been exploring the envelope of possibility on my own No Limits Expedition.

My No Limits Expedition has taken me around the world, and I have had even a few disasters along the way. But in spite of the bumps and scrapes, I have done my best to eradicate my limiting beliefs and push my limits as far as I can go.

My limiting beliefs told me it was too risky to sail around the world on a sailboat with my family. I pushed my limiting beliefs and finished an eleven year circumnavigation in the trade winds.

My limiting beliefs told me my sailing voyage around the world was over after I was critically injured in a car accident in New Zealand. Two broken legs, five broken ribs, a punctured lung, internal bleeding, and a broken shoulder blade told me to sell my sailboat and give up my sailing voyage. I pushed my limits and within one year, I raised my sails and headed north from New Zealand to Fiji.

My limiting beliefs told me I was wasting my time writing books on positive thinking and positive spirituality. I pushed my limits and wrote twelve books that are changing people's lives.

My limiting beliefs told me that making positive websites is a waste of time because there is little chance for my websites to be discovered among the billions of pages already on internet. I pushed my limits and made hundreds of positive websites that people view in 196 countries.

My limiting beliefs told me it was a waste of time to create positive podcasts, and even if I made them, nobody would listen. I pushed my limits and made over 200 positive podcasts that people listen to every day around the world.

My limiting beliefs told me no one has ever made a Positive Thinking Network that reaches around the world, and it is unlikely that I would be the one who makes it happen. I pushed my limits and created the Positive Thinking Network that reaches out to millions of people each year.

I am well acquainted with limiting beliefs. They have been my constant companions for more than sixty years.

I have been pushing my limits as hard as I can, and I will do it for as long as I can, because for me there are no limits. There are only limiting beliefs.

Here are a few highlights of the limits that I have pushed in my own life.

How about a sailing trip around the world?

How about sailing through Pirate Alley between Yemen and Somalia and up the Red Sea?

How about a driving trip around the world in Land Rover Defenders?

How about sailing in and surviving a global tsunami?

How about writing a book of positive self-talk that is changing peoples lives?

How about creating 200 free Positive Podcasts?

How about creating a Positive Thinking University?

How about creating a social network that links positive thinkers around the world?

How about giving swimming lessons in God's Ocean of Love?

How about teaching people to say good-bye to depression and hello to a positive mind?

Isn't it about time you went on a No Limits Expedition?

Dr. Dave.

Twelve awesome ebooks from Captain Dave

Landroverman has written twelve eBooks that are available at the Positive Thinking Bookstore and that can be downloaded from Amazon. While you are out there exploring the world, push your mind in a positive direction with eBooks from Landroverman.

Everywhere and everything

I've been sailing around the world for eleven years on Exit Only, and what a trip it has been, full of agony and ecstasy, and everything in between. I nearly died in a car accident in New Zealand, and I reckon that qualifies as agony. In the ecstasy department, I sailed 33,000 miles around the world, and have seen the things sailing dreams are made of. So where did we go? Some people would say nowhere, but I would say, everywhere my heart desired, and everywhere I had the courage to point the bows of my sturdy catamaran. It's all a matter of perspective.

Expeditionary Dream Machines

What is the anatomy of a dream machine? What is it that makes a dream machine into a dream machine? First and foremost, a dream machine is honest. It's tough through and through. There is no pretense; it's meant to take a licking and keep on ticking. I have traveled in the desert with pretentious vehicles that looked tough, but the moment you challenged them with arduous conditions, a demolition derby begins.

How Exit Only Got It's Name

You can strike Pretentious off the list of possible yacht names for any sailboats I get in the future. My net worth would never permit me to join the Pretentious crowd.

Expeditionary sandbook

My first trip into the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia taught me the most important lesson of desert exploration that I ever learned: DON'T DO STUPID THINGS! The desert is unforgiving and doesn't treat fools lightly. Here is how I learned that lesson.

Once you achieve escape velocity, you are forever free

The unexpected side effect of our Arabian adventures was that I achieved escape velocity. Without even trying and without knowing what was happening, I no longer felt the pull of cultural gravity. I achieved escape velocity, I was free, and I made my life into what I wanted it to be. I was now a citizen of the world, and cultures were something to be experienced and enjoyed, but not something that controlled my existence.

Expeditionary handbook

Not all expeditionary navigational problems are created equal, and your approach to navigation varies with terrain, capability of the vehicle, and degree of access to the land. Limited access makes navigation more challenging, and unlimited access gives you hundreds of options when you plan your expedition.

Hadida Meteor Crater

The problems with sailing is it takes a long time to sail to the far side of fear.

Hadida Meteor Crater

More than 400 years ago, a massive meteor struck and buried itself in the sand dunes of the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia. We decided to make an expedition to the Wabar meteor crater in our Land Rover Defenders. Not all sand dunes are created equal, especially when you travel in the dunes of the Empty Quarter. The Empty Quarter is a massive sandbox with more than a million square miles of sand.

Positive Thinking University has something for everyone. If you are interested in adventure, you can visit Sailing Uni and Overland Uni. If you want to win the battle against depression, then Depression Uni is for you. Self Talk Uni gets you started on a program of positive self-talk to change what you say when you talk to your mind. If you want to explore the world of self help, Self Help Uni is a good start. If your interest is positive spirituality, visit Positive Christian Uni.

Self Talk Uni - Self Talk University - David J. Abbott M.D.
Sailing UNI - Sailing University - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Sailor
Overland UNI - Overland University - David J. Abbott M.D.
Depression UNI - Depression University - David J. Abbott M.D.
Self Help UNI - Self Help University - David J. Abbott M.D.

Dr. Dave reveals the secrets that made it possible to live his dreams. Discover what worked for him and apply the same principles in your own life. This is your opportunity to unleash the power that lies within.

Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Owner's Manual For Your Mind - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Programmer's Manual for Your Mind - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

It's easy and convenient to carry your positive thinking library with you wherever you go. Your entire positive library resides comfortably in your pocket on your smartphone. Visit the Positive Thinking Bookstore and start filling your mind with positive ebooks today.

Maxiimum Strenght Positive Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking
Owner's Manual For Your Mind - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Programmer's Manual For Your Mind - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor

Positive Christian Self Talk - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking
Quantum Self Talk - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Positive Self Talk Yellow Book - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Positive Self Talk Silver Book - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor
Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor

Join Team Maxing Out as they sail around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran. Experience their adventures as they sail through Pirate Alley and up the Red Sea. Find out what it's like to experience a global tsunami in Thailand. Discover what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams.

Sailing offshore catamaran - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Listen to the sound of your dreams - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Grand Schemes and other important things - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
They went everywhere and did everything - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbot M.D.
I am wandering, not lost. - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

No matter how hard you work and how much you hope, it's what you expect that counts. The Law of Expectations will make or break your life. When I know your expectations, I can predict your future. That's why positive expectations are so important. They are a form of predestination.

Law of Expectations - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Powerful Positive Expectations - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Power of Positive Expectations - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive Christian Scriptures - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Expectations Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Expectations Doctor - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D.

If you don't have a space shuttle, if you can't afford a yacht, if you don't like to fly, you can still make a trip around the world. You simply climb into your truck, start driving, and don't stop until you complete the trip. You'll need a couple of years and some Freedom Chips to finance the adventure, but you can make it happen. Travel with us around planet earth on Overland UNI, and before long you might decide to make your own trip.

WWSD - What Would Steve Do? - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
I am guilty of living my dreams - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Expeditionary Dream Machine - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Security, survival and stuff - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbot M.D.
A list of all my dreams that happened by themselves - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

Positive Buzz has an awesome selection of images worth putting into your mind and Positive Thinking Wallpaper is a great place to start. Find out whether you are a member of the Life Long Disoriented.

Positive Thinking Wallpaper- Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Life Long Disoriented - Positive Thinking Network - David J. Abbott M.D.
Keep Going Forward  Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive Christian Wallpaper - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive Memes - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

The Positive WWW reaches its arms around the globe with a positive website for every country in the world. Click on a destination and start your positive adventure.

Positive WWW - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive China - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive Australia - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive New Zealand - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive United Kingdom - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

Positive US has one positive website for every state in the United States. Enjoy your voyage of discovery on your journey to a positive mind.

Positive US  - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive Alaska - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive Arizona -  Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
Positive Oregon -  Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.
PositiveCalifornia -  Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

Captain Dave and Team Maxing Out have launched the sailing dreams of hundreds of individuals with videos of their adventures on board their catamaran Exit Only. It's time for you to dream BIG and have some adventures of your own.

Social media is more of a jungle than a finely manicured garden. It's a rough and tumble experience with lots of chaff and little wheat.Too much of it is a Twilight Zone run by people with their own agenda, and most of time their agenda is at odds with your own. If you don't periodically curate your feeds, you drown in a sea of trivialities, opinions, and toxic waste. No Unsocial Media is different because it makes it easy to find the good stuff and avoid the bad. It has dozens of links that quickly and easily help you discover positive content.

No Unsocial Media